Donate today via our PayPal portal above, or mail a check to Project 7B at PO Box 2365, Sandpoint ID 83864.
The vast majority of operational costs and administration are covered by the board itself, so we use our donations to:
- Support our mission to educate and involve people in land use planning, which is more important now more than ever because of the intense growth pressures we are facing
- Help us cover the costs of public records requests and fees related to holding public officials accountable for decisions that don’t follow the county land use code or comprehensive land use plan
- Consistently update the public on what’s going on. In addition to volunteer work, we have one part-time staff person who helps research and communicate.
- Advocate for transparent land use planning and processes. For example, the county is currently rewriting the comprehensive land use plan — the blueprint for how our county is supposed to grow. It’s important that we have adequate funding so we can make sure the public interests are heard and honored during this process.