Countywide Workshops

Listening to Bonner County Project

In September, 12 students and professor Dr. Stephen Goldsmith, from the University of Utah’s College of Architecture and Planning visited Bonner County to hold listening sessions. 284 surveys were submitted and 160 people interviewed.

Information from local residents about the character, values, challenges and goals for growth and development in Bonner County is now a report: Listening to Bonner County. All are invited to the meetings where the report will be presented, questions answered and comments noted.

The report is online NOW at: and

The students were invited to Bonner County by the local group, Project 7B, to listen and seek to understand how local residents envision their future. The students said:

“Thank you for sharing a part of your community with us.” Angela Tran

“I was amazed at the warm reception we received from people in the community. Comments on Facebook suggested a very different reception coming in. But we generally did not find that hostility during our interactions, quite the opposite in fact.” Taylor Greenwall


The Situation Assessment:

Project 7B completed a Situation Assessment for Bonner County, working with the University of Utah to interview nearly 30 anonymous individuals conducted by a neutral facilitator. Interviewees represented a variety of backgrounds, political leanings and professions to obtain a diverse cross-section. The report is now available for local cities and the county to utilize for future land use decisions, and Project 7B plans to hold a workshop that brings together key stakeholder representatives to discuss regional planning objectives and the steps to achieve them.

Click here to view the Situation Assessment>>

Countywide Situation Assessment Workshop

The February 10, 2017 Countywide Situation Assessment: Looking to the Future workshop brought together stakeholders from around Bonner County.  The stated purpose of the workshop was to build on the findings of the countywide Situation Assessment to facilitate productive dialogue about key countywide priorities, opportunities, and challenges, and to explore pathways forward for countywide collaboration.

Click here to view the Summary Report Countywide Situation Assessment Workshop>>

Through 2017 the Countywide Workshops continued, hosted by its participating members, with limited logistical support from Project 7B.  In 2018 the Workshop attendees named their group the Bonner Regional Team.  Project 7B is not affiliated with the Bonner Regional Team,  has provided no financial or logistical support in 2018, and has no representatives attending the meetings.  The Bonner Regional Team continues to bring County and municipalities together to work on key countywide issues.